Tuesday, July 15, 2008


My new favorite ride.

Mickey's house

We had so much fun. We spent two days at Disneyland and enjoyed it so much. We got park hopper tickets and were able to visit both parks. Let me say that was a lot of walking.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Saturday, July 12, 2008


Brooklyn trying to help pack.

Aunt Summer and Brooklyn at the airport.

Brooklyn was so good on the plane ride. She got on the plane and had to look out the window but don't be fooled she was asleep before the plane even took off.

Saturday, July 5, 2008


Brooklyn's first 4th of July!!!

I heard some banging and found Brooklyn had climbed up on to her chair and was rocking back and forth. Her new past time is to climb on anything that is in her path. Did I tell you, she is not afraid of any height. She will dive off our bed if we let her.